Goods Hit Hazy Pale


Goods Hit Hazy Pale is now on tap at Sunnyland.

Since opening their doors for business in early April of 2018, Goods Local Brews has quickly become a favorite destination of Bellingham beer drinkers, and because of this they were an obvious choice for a Beer Week collaboration. Over pints at Goods, we decided a Hazy Pale would be the perfect choice for this collab, and the end result has us all pretty stoked. Silky, smooth malt notes lay the foundation for this beer, allowing big juicy hop notes of tangerine, grapefruit, and tropical fruit to shine.

5% ABV // 15 IBU

SEE: Hazy golden straw, with a fine white head.

SMELL: Tangerine, grapefruit, and tropical fruits.

TASTE: Tangerine and grapefruit pith dominate.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Mosaic, Amarillo, Chinook, and Cascade.

MALTS: 2-Row, Carafoam, White Wheat, Unmalted Wheat, and Flaked Oats.


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