Snow Shovel Scotch Ale

Snow Shovel Scotch Ale from Kulshan Brewing Co.

Snow Shovel Scotch Ale is now on tap at Roosevelt.

Snow Shovel is a traditional export-style Scotch Ale, brewed with the finest UK malts and hops. Based around a smooth and rich malt profile, one will discover delicious notes of caramel, toffee, biscuit, and semi-sweet chocolate. Simple and deeply satisfying, this beer is sure to warm you up and bring a smile to your face.

6% ABV // 17 IBU

SEE: Deep copper with an off white head.

SMELL: Bready malt, along with caramel, toffee, and chocolate.

TASTE: Rich bready malt; accents of caramel, toffee, toasted biscuit, and chocolate.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 3 (out of 5).

HOPS: East Kent Goldings.

MALTS: Best Pale, Golden Promise, Honey Malt, Crystal Malt, and Pale Chocolate.


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