Fortress Imperial Hazy IPA


Fortress Imperial Hazy IPA is now on draft at the Sunnyland Beer Garden and available in bottles at both locations. To order for online for curbside pickup or Bellingham delivery click here.

Fortress Imperial IPA is a big and bold IPA that packs a punch. Big tropical fruit notes dominate, along with pleasant citrus, smooth bready malt, and more than a hint of warming alcohol.

9% ABV // 25 IBU

SEE: Hazy golden with a nice white head.

SMELL: Fresh orange zest, mango, papaya, and passionfruit.

TASTE: Smooth bready malt, low bitterness. Big notes of fresh orange juice mango, papaya, and some lemon and lime.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Amarillo, Citra, and Idaho 7.

MALTS: 2-Row, White Wheat, Carafoam, FLaked Oats.