Cherry Gose


Cherry Gose is now available for curbside pick-up at our Roosevelt taproom and for Bellingham delivery. To place your order click here.

The fruited Gose returns! It’s beautiful rose-like color immediately ignites the imagination, whisking you away to summer adventures to come and fun to be had. Our GABF medal winning gose is the base for this beer, and it shines through with light bready notes, as well as citrus and coriander accents. Sweet pie cherries are of course the star of this beer, and they shine through in the aroma and on the tongue, melding beautifully with the tartness of the gose to create an irresistibly refreshing brew.

4% ABV // 9 IBU

SEE: Rose in color with a fine pink head.

SMELL: Cherry forward, with notes of lemon.

TASTE: Similar to the aroma, cherry forward, lemon and slight spice of coriander followed by a bready finish.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Hallertau Perle.

MALTS: German Pilsner, German Malted Wheat

Other: Coriander, Himalayan Sea Salt, Cherry Puree


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