

Oktoberfest is now available in bottles and on draft at both beer gardens. To order for curbside pickup or Bellingham delivery click here.

Oktoberfest is a truly noble lager. Golden straw in color, with a magnificent white head, it has a rich and enticing appearance that is the perfect prelude to its balanced and delicious flavor profile. Bready malt notes take center stage in this beer, playing well with light floral hop notes to create a medium bodied lager that is both rich in flavor and quaffable. A seasonal favorite of ours, this beer took patience and time to craft, and we have a hunch you’re going to love it!

P.S. It’s highly quaffable and consumption by the liter is HIGHLY recommended.

6% ABV // 26 IBU

SEE: Golden Straw in color with a fine white head.

SMELL: Toasted bread with light floral hops.

TASTE: Bready malt notes, slight floral and herbal hops.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Hallertau Perle.

MALTS: Pilsner, Vienna, Munich, Carafoam, Caramunich.


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