Lemondrop Sunshine Belgian Saison

Lemondrop Sunshine Belgian Saison from Kulshan Brewing

Lemondrop Sunshine is now on tap at Sunnyland

Lemondrop Sunshine is a refreshing and crisp saison. Pilsner and spelt malts, in combination with unmalted wheat, create a bready and smooth malt platform that plays exceptionally well with the Hopsteiner Lemondrop hops that were used both on the hot side and in the fermenter. Pleasant herbal and floral notes join with lemon and light fruity ester notes, creating a beer that is nuanced and highly drinkable.

5.3 % ABV // 17 IBU

SEE: Golden straw in color, with a fine white head.

SMELL: Herbal and floral notes partner up with lemon and light fruit esters.

TASTE: Similar to aroma, lemon, herbal, and floral notes followed by light cracker and a fruity ester finish.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Lemondrop.

MALTS: Pilsner, Spelt, and Unmalted Wheat.


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