Peach Apero

Peach Apero from Kulshan Brewing

Peach Apero is now on tap at Roosevelt.

Our Apero series is designed to be thirst quenching and delightfully refreshing without being overly filling or intense in flavor. Extremely dry and clean, this beer has very light malt notes that do not linger, providing a perfect platform for fruit to shine. In this version we used peach, and it comes through beautifully on the nose and on the palate, lingering ever so slightly after each sip. Crisp and delicious, we have a hunch you'll order one and shortly thereafter be coming back for another.

6% ABV // 10 IBU

SEE: Straw with a fine white head.

SMELL: Peach forward with a light and crisp malt character.

TASTE: Peach dominates the flavor, with subtle coriander and cracker undertones leading into a dry finish that has a pleasant linger of peach.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: UK Admiral.

MALTS: 2-row and Toasted Rice.

OTHER: Peach juice.


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