
Maibock from Kulshan Brewing Co.

German-Style Maibock is now on tap at Roosevelt (K2) and in bottles at both locations.

A deeply satisfying beer, Maibock has beautiful bready and toasty malt notes and a warming alcohol presence. Delicate floral hop character and a mild sweetness blend delightfully, creating an exquisitely balanced beer that finishes clean and dry. A truly noble beer, we are proud to offer you our take on this renowned style. Prost!

7.5% ABV // 26 IBU

SEE: Golden straw with a white head.

SMELL: Floral noble hops with toasted bready malt.

TASTE: Similar to aroma, it is floral and herbal hop forward with toasted malt and bread finish.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: German Magnum and Hallertau Perle.

MALTS: Pilsner, Munich, and Vienna.


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