Cool Hand Cuke Cucumber Light Lager

Cucumber Light Lager from Kulshan Brewing Co.

Cool Hand Cuke is now on tap at Sunnyland.

Crisp and dry, this light lager's identity is defined by an extreme desire to be thirst-quenching. Pilsner malt and toasted rice create a clean malt profile that boasts subtle bready notes and does not linger. It’s accompanied by light cucumber notes, both on the nose and on the palate. Refreshing through and through, this is a very fun beer.

3.8% ABV // 20 IBU

SEE: Straw with a white head.

SMELL: Fresh bread and subtle cucumber.

TASTE: Similar to aroma, fresh bread and cracker, finishing with a dry cucumber character.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 1 (out of 5).

HOPS: Hallertau Perle.

MALTS: Pilsner, CaraFoam, and Toasted Rice.

OTHER: Cucumber juice concentrate


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