Baby Yoda Hazy IPA
Baby Yoda Hazy IPA is now available in cans at both locations in our Roosevelt taproom. Enjoy it on tap tonight at 5 pm (Friday, March 13th).
The newest release in our Hello, Goodbye IPA series, Baby Yoda is a playful and balanced beer. The malts used create a pillowy soft malt body, while the Amarillo and Simcoe hops lend bright citrus and pine notes. Tropical fruit and berry notes courtesy of Idaho 7 hops provide the cherry on top, blending perfectly with the other hop notes to create a juicy and delicious brew.
7.5% ABV // 50 IBU
SEE: Hazy Golden Straw.
SMELL: Citrus, pine, tropical fruit and mixed berry.
TASTE: Similar to aroma, citrus and tropical fruit-forward, leading into subtle berry and a slight pine finish.
BITTER: 2 (out of 5).
SWEET: 2 (out of 5).
HOPS: Amarillo, Simcoe, and Idaho 7.
MALTS: 2-Row, Pilsner, White Wheat, and Flaked Rye.