Earth Day IPA


Earth Day IPA is now available for no-contact curbside pick up and Bellingham delivery. To place your order click here.

Brewed to honor our beloved but beleaguered Mother Earth, our Earth Day IPA is fruity, well-balanced and made with responsibly sourced ingredients.  With local malts from Skagit Valley Malting and Salmon-Safe certified hops from Crosby hops in the Willamette Valley, this IPA has soft, bready malt flavors and lush citrus, and mango hop notes.  A portion of proceeds will be donated to Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association and the Orca Network.

6% ABV // 50 IBU

SEE: Hazy golden straw.

SMELL: Orange, grapefruit, mango, and light pine.

TASTE: Bready malt, big citrus, light mango and pine.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Crystal and Azacca

MALTS: Copeland Pale, Munich, Wheat, and Flaked Oats


Greenwood Summer Ale
