Pilchuck Hazy IPA

Pilchuck Release .jpg

Pilchuck Hazy IPA is the latest release in our Cascade Peaks Series. Now available for curbside pick up at our Roosevelt taproom or Bellingham delivery. To place your order click here.

Packed full of luscious, fruity flavors, Pilchuck is both bold and smooth drinking.  Big juicy citrus notes lead the way with this beer, followed by subtler accents of strawberry, dried mango, and lemon / lime zest.  Big in personality yet still refreshing and balanced, this beer is bound to put some color in your cheeks and a smile on your face. 

% ABV // IBU

SEE: Hazy Golden straw with fine white head.

SMELL: Tangerine, Mango, Peach, Lemon / Lime.

TASTE: Smooth bready malt, huge sweet citrus notes, accents of strawberry and dried mango.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Mosaic, Cashmere, and El Dorado.

MALTS: 2-Row, Pilsner, Malted Oats, and Flaked Rye.


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