Coffee Milk Stout


Coffee Milk Stout is now available on nitro at our Roosevelt taproom and in cans at both locations. Click here to order for curbside pickup or Bellingham delivery.

Creamy and full bodied with subtle notes of roast and coffee, along with rich notes of chocolate, toffee and toasted nuts, this beer is incredibly smooth and can easily be substituted for one's morning cup of coffee.

6% ABV // 30 IBU

SEE: Black with a tan head.

SMELL: Chocolate and coffee, with hints of roasted malt, nuts and vanilla.

TASTE: Light roast, and rich flavors of coffee and dark chocolate.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 4 (out of 5).

HOPS: Apollo

MALTS: Golden Promise, Golden Naked Oats, Crystal Dark, Pale Chocolate, Black Malt.


Baltic Porter


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