Jungleland Hazy IPA Series

Jungleland Hazy IPA Series from Kulshan Brewing

A new version of Jungleland Hazy IPA is now on tap Roosevelt (K2).

Named after the iconic Bruce Springsteen song of the same name, Jungleland is our always changing, yet always juicy and delicious, hazy IPA. Why always changing? Well, being just 2.5 hours from the center of the hop universe - Yakima - we have at our fingertips an enormous array of hops and hop flavor / aroma profiles to choose from, and with this beer, we didn't want to box ourselves in with a set-in-stone recipe. Instead, with one version we want to offer you a beer that explodes with tropical fruit, and with another version a beer rich with berry and orchard fruit notes, and so on. We can guarantee that this beer will always be hazy and popping with delicious hop flavors and aromatics- but as to just what fruity notes pop out with each particular batch…you'll have to try it to find out. 

6.7% ABV // 30 IBU

SEE: Hazy golden straw, with a fine white head.

SMELL: Ripe strawberries, melon, tropical and citrus fruit.

TASTE: Very similar to the aroma. Tangerine, watermelon, strawberries and ripe tropical fruit dominate.

BITTER: 2 (out of 5).

SWEET: 2 (out of 5).

HOPS: Mosaic, Azacca, El Dorado, and Idaho 7.

MALTS: 2-Row, Pilsner, Malted Wheat, and Flaked Oats.

Check out the original Jungleland recipe here.


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