Mexican Pale Lager

Pale Mexican Lager from Kulshan Bewing

Mexican Pale Lager is now on tap at both locations.

This easy drinking Mexican Lager would be the perfect beer companion out on a white sandy beach, but it also does pretty well sitting outside on a beautiful Bellingham summer day. Light crisp malt notes are the central feature of this beer, with a very dry, clean finish, and slight floral hop notes. Highly drinkable, we recommend adding a lime wedge for a slight citrus zing.

4.5% ABV // 15 IBU

SEE: Straw with a fine white head.

SMELL: Crispy malt notes of cracker, and subtle floral.

TASTE: Similar to aroma, malt, cracker, and slight floral with a crisp dry finish.

BITTER: 1 (out of 5).

SWEET: 1 (out of 5).

HOPS: Northern Brewer.

MALTS: 2-Row, Vienna, Carafoam, and Flaked Corn.


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